Rabbi Asher Meir

Rabbi Asher Meir



Three Aspects of Reconciliation

Rabbi Asher Meir


Ashkenazim start saying selichos this Motzei Shabbos; Sefaradim have been…

Rosh Hashanah: The Start of the Torah Fiscal Year

Rabbi Asher Meir

Rosh Hasana

Rosh Hashana is the beginning of the Torah “fiscal year,” as the beraisa…

Reciprocal Forgiveness in Tefillah Zakah

Rabbi Asher Meir


During the days of selichos and the Days of Awe we recite scores upon scores of…

When Is Forced Labor Legal?

Rabbi Asher Meir


This week’s haftara tells of the forced labor Shlomo HaMelekh imposed in…

Making a Deal Under Duress

Rabbi Asher Meir


Our parasha describes how Moshe directed the Jewish people for its historic…

The Monetary Laws and the Man

Rabbi Asher Meir


Immediately after the miraculous events of the Red Sea crossing, the people…

Truth and Privacy in Ancient Egypt

Rabbi Asher Meir


According to the Midrash (Shemos Rabba 14:3), as mentioned by Rashi (Shemos…

Paying Workers on Time 

Rabbi Asher Meir


A debt for wages is not like any other debt Our Parasha (Shemos 7:19)…

When Can We Bend the Truth?

Rabbi Asher Meir


In general, we permit such untruths when they are defensive – when they…

Why Does Halacha Disapprove of Personal Servitude?

Rabbi Asher Meir


The Egyptians, faced with starvation, offered themselves as slaves. Yosef,…