The Kehillah Summit 2021

The Kehillah Summit has brought together leading individuals within the Anglo-Charedi group in Israel—Rabbis, educators, and activists—to stimulate constructive thought and action within this large and growing group.

Over two days at the Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem (Tuesday – Wednesday, כ”ב – כ”ג סיון תשפ”ב 21-22 June 2022) participants heard lectures from leading speakers, participated in specific breakout development sessions, and engaged in the kind of collective brainstorming from which most good ideas are born.

The Summit marked the launch of Kehillah, whose overarching goal is to develop and support infrastructures catering specifically for the Anglo-Charedi community in Israel. As numbers grow, and in anticipation of significant waves of Aliyah, ensuring the success of these infrastructures is essential for ourselves and for our children.

The energies were very special, and we hope it will be the beginning of great things. 

One of the basic purposes of the summit was networking—enabling a meeting of interested parties whose collaboration can bring much good, we hope this website will be a platform for such meetings as well.

Kehilla summit 2022 - Recap

Kehillah Summit - Program

Day 1 - Tuesday כ”ב סיון (June 21st)

9:00 - Registration

Opening Session


Divrei Beracha from HaGaon HaRav Asher Weiss, shlita


MC: Rabbi Shmuel Kimche; WELCOME: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer


 KEYNOTE SESSION: Harav Zev Leff, shlita

Anglos in Israel: Why Cross-Community Collaboration is so Important

11:15 - BREAK

PANEL: Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein; Rabbi Baruch Chait; Rabbi Dovid Miller

Significant and Unique Challenges of the Anglo Charedi Community in Israel
Moderator: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

13:30 - Mincha & Lunch
14:15 - BREAK

2nd SESSION - Burning Topics - Challenges and Possible Solutions


 HaRav Yehoshua Liff, shlita

Anglos in Israel: A Historical Reflection


CONCURRENT ROUND TABLE SESSION: Burning Topics- Challenges and Possible Solutions

• Torah learning opportunities  • Technology options and dangers  • Safety Awareness & Therapy  • Formal and Informal Education  • Financial plans and Employment & Aliya- Technical Acclimation


Highlights and Insights: Action Items from Roundtable Moderators; moderator: Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblum

18:30 - DINNER
20:15 - Maariv

NIGHT SESSION - Organizations in the community - Integration and Influence

20:30 - 22:15

Short presentations by Organizations + Q & A

Moderator: Rabbi Yigal Segal

Day 2 - Wednesday כ”ג סיון June 22nd

8:00 - Shacharis & Breakfast

CHINUCH SESSION - Raising Children in Eretz Yisrael


KEYNOTE SESSION and Q & A: Harav Yitzchok Breitowitz, shlita

How to navigate chinuch challenges in Eretz Yisrael

11:00 - BREAK

Panel discussion on Chinuch:

Rabbi Lavy Freedman; Rabbi Daniel Simon; Rabbi Nissan Tovey; Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker

Moderator: Rabbi Jamie Cowland

12:45 - BREAK

RECAP: Concluding Words and Action Items for Continued Development and Collaboration – Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

13:30 - Mincha & Lunch

Opening Session

Kehillah Summit 2022 - Lectures

Day 1 - Tuesday כ”ב סיון (June 21st)

Divrei Bracha - HaGaon HaRav Asher Weiss, shlita

Opening Session: MC: Rabbi Shmuel Kimche

Opening Session: WELCOME: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

Harav Zev Leff, shlita. "Anglos in Israel: Why Cross-Community Collaboration is so Important"

PANEL Day 1: "Significant and Unique Challenges of the Anglo Charedi Community in Israel"

2nd SESSION - Burning Topics - Challenges and Possible Solutions

HaRav Yehoshua Liff, shlita "Anglos in Israel: A Historical Reflection"

Highlights and Insights: Action Items from Roundtable Moderators

NIGHT SESSION - Organizations in the community - Integration and Influence

NIGHT SESSION - Organizations in the community - Integration and Influence

Day 2 - Wednesday כ”ג סיון June 22nd

CHINUCH SESSION - Raising Children in Eretz Yisrael

Harav Yitzchok Breitowitz, shlita. "How to navigate chinuch challenges in Eretz Yisrael"

Panel discussion on Chinuch: Rabbi Lavy Freedman; Rabbi Daniel Simon; Rabbi Nissan Tovey; Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker

Closing Remarks: Harav Zev Leff, shlita; Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

Kehillah Summit 2022 - Gallery