Parasha Treasures

Rabbi Shmuel Kimche is the Mashgiach Ruachni at Netzach Yisrael Elementary School, Ramat Beit Shemesh

The Iriya Already Paid!

Levi had no father. He lived with his mother and younger sisters in a small apartment in Yerushalayim. Things were not easy for Levi and his mother. Every week seemed to get more difficult – Levi’s family barely managed to scrape through each month.

Usually, Levi’s mother was able to hold it together, but on that memorable day, it all became much. As she saw the boiler burst and water gushing out onto her small antiquated kitchen floor, she could no longer control her pain of the last 10 months, and she couldn’t hold back the tears.

“Shouldn’t we call the plumber, Ima?” asked 14 year old Levi, as he reached for the phonebook. Levi had been forced to grow up fast. “Uri the fix-it man can fix almost anything!

Let us try his number…”

Ten minutes hadn’t passed, and Uri’s confident smile was seen at the door. He didn’t need to ask any questions, he saw the river streaming from the hallway. Right away he got to work, turned a few valves, and soon the water began subsiding.

Uri looked around the sparse apartment, and his eyes turned to Levi’s mother, he was about to begin speaking… he stopped…. And  then, with a twinkle in his eye, he began again. “Mrs Levy, Today is your lucky day! I was just at the Iriya, where they were giving out thousands of vouchers for replacing old boilers! I happen to know that the model of your boiler is exactly the type of boiler they are replacing! You will not have to pay a penny, and I will be back this afternoon with a new Iriya Boiler!”

When Levi heard Uri’s pronouncement – a grin broke out over his face. This was exactly the break his mother needed….


Twenty five years passed, and Uri was now in his 70’s. It wasn’t easy for him to get around, he had developed asthma, and his knees gave him a lot of trouble. Years of running around were now taking their toll…

Because of his condition, it was difficult for him to breathe, and when he consulted his doctor, his doctor encouraged him to get an air-conditioner, which would help him with the

heat. ‘An air-conditioner?? I can’t afford that luxury!’ Uri thought to himself – but as the months passed, and breathing became tougher, Uri caved in, and ordered a simple cheap unit.

Two days later, Uri heard a ring on the doorbell – the air-conditioner had arrived! The delivery men began to unpack the unit, and were about to install it, when Uri cried out “Stop!! I never ordered this unit!!! This is the most expensive unit in the country! I know exactly what I ordered, and I know exactly what you are installing!! You just want to get me to pay for this expensive model!!!”.

The Installer was just as confused as Uri – he was sure that his instructions were to install the new Electra Platinum III – and his boss never made mistakes on orders!! A call was put through to the boss, who told everyone to hold tight while he comes down to see the unit in question.


Ten tense minutes later, the boss pressed the doorbell. “Mr Uri Levine? This unit has already been fully paid for!”… Uri looked back puzzled “Paid by whom?”… “This unit has been fully paid by the Iriya!”… “What do you mean?? The Iriya doesn’t pay for air conditioners!!!”

“I don’t know if you remember me”, continued Levi, “but 25 years ago you did some work in our apartment. Our life was in shambles and the boiler had broken. My mother couldn’t handle any more frustration and heartache, and you saw that. When you bought us a new boiler, you told her that the Iriya paid for it.

“That act of kindness was the turning point of our lives. I have thought about repaying you for the last 25 years, but I didn’t have your address or number. When the order for the air conditioner came in, I was overjoyed. I recognised your name, and now I can finally keep thepromise I made to myself.

“Would you believe it”, continued Levi, his face beaming, “the iriya has arranged for all

citizens with asthma to be given top-of-the-range a/c units for free!”


What an amazing story!! Actually, if we look closely at Parashas Shmos – we see that this is exactly what happens there.


Let us look back for a moment at Parshas Vayechi – at the first Rashi: 

לפי שכיון שנפטר יעקב אבינו, נסתמו עיניהם ולבם של ישראל מצרת השעבוד, שהתחילו לשעבדם.

The eyes and Hearts of Klal Yisrael become blocked.


What happens in Shmos? Moshe Rabbeinu leaves the comfort of the palace – ויגדל משה ויצא אל אחיו וירא בסבלתם – explains Rashi: נתן עיניו ולבו להיות מיצר עליהם – Moshe Rabbeinu opens his eyes and heart to the pain of others.


What is the response? 

“וידע אלקים” – נתן עליהם לב ולא העלים עיניו (רש”י)

HKB”H opens His “Heart” and  “Eyes” to look after His People. 


May we be Zoche to noticing and feeling the pain of others. 


Good Shabbos.


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