Rosh Hasana

Rosh Hasana



Clean Laundry and Teshuva

Rebbetzin Ilana Cowland

Rosh Hasana

I have often wondered why there is a minhag to take things on during the…

A New Year of Hope and Trust

Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

Rosh Hasana

“Today, the world was wrought.” As we note in our davening, Rosh Hashanah…

Rosh Hashana & Our Livelihood – What Do We Daven For?

Rabbi Tzvi Broker

Rosh Hasana

While each of us does our Hishtadlus for our parnassa during the year, we know…

Rosh Hashanah: The Start of the Torah Fiscal Year

Rabbi Asher Meir

Rosh Hasana

Rosh Hashana is the beginning of the Torah “fiscal year,” as the beraisa…

Let’s Get Rid of the Boxes

Rabbi Yaacov Haber

Rosh Hasana

How does the Ribono Shel Olam decide our destiny for the upcoming year? How…