Parasha – articles
Parasha – articles
26-More on Leniencies Permitting a Loan
We discussed the three primary leniencies that will permit a
25-Borrowing Items That Rise in Price
We’ve learned about the prohibition of se’a bese’a that precludes
23-Lending in Foreign Currency in accordance with Halacha
Last week we raised the issue of lending in foreign
22-The Prohibition of Se’a Bese’a
Last week, we began discussing the prohibition against lending items
21-Increased Value and Ribbis
Let us move onto another area of ribbis which particularly
20-More Exceptions to the Rule regarding Favors and Ribbis
We mentioned last week that although a borrower may benefit
19-Extending Benefits to a Lender
Previously we discussed the prohibition against ribbis devarim (providing a
16-A Possible Leniency regarding Heter Iska
We’ve been discussing the relatively common issue of taking a
15-Halachic Aspects of Resolving a Ribbis Issue
Last week, we talked about the Bermans, who asked their