Naava Kodesh was created to help members of US Chareidi communities navigate the challenges in establishing their residence in Eretz Yisroel.
By connecting applicants to people with similar backgrounds, occupations and lifestyles as their own, they are able to get the information they need in finding appropriate communities, housing, education and employment.
In addition, Naava Kodesh has a list of English-speaking Rabbonim ready to answer questions and provide customized guidance regarding the many aspects of living in Israel.
Finally, Naava Kodesh is currently developing helpful community profiles of all major, American Torah communities in Eretz Yisroel, including specific information about schools, shuls, yeshivas, kollels, neighborhoods, housing costs, employment opportunities, and more.
More recently Naava Kodesh launched their Haaretz Hatova series profiling Olim who are living in Eretz Yisroel so that they can share the experiences with their brethren back in the States in the hope that their success stories will inspire them to come and join. Haaretz Hatovah appears on a number of US-based news websites in the tri-state area and in a major print newspaper. The write ups are also periodically distributed in over 100 Shuls in Lakewood New Jersey.