Magen Avos was founded in 1995 by Rabbi Daniel and Mrs. Devorah Simon with the blessings and haskomos of Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg zt”l, Rav Nachman Bullman zt”l and Rav Shlomo Wolbe zt”l. Rav Gans shlita of Mattisdorf is currently the Rabbinic advisor.
The curriculum in Bais Yaakov offers a balanced Limudei Kodesh and Limudei Chol program. The girls learn Chumash, Navi, Yahadus, Dinim, Pirkei Avos, Jewish history, Hebrew language, expression, grammar, writing, math, science, geography, social studies, history and English language.
Handpicked, dedicated and talented teachers, some of whom graduated from Bais Yaakov Magen Avos, skillfully use the medium of art, music, dance, drama, exhibits etc to bring their lessons to life. For many subjects in the higher grades, students are grouped according to levels enabling each one to achieve and learn at their own pace. The students enjoy gym classes in the large gym/auditorium, science classes in the new science lab and are encouraged to play games during recess in the spacious schoolyard.
There are many and varied extracurricular events going on throughout the school year that offer the students opportunities to utilize their talents for positive, healthy learning and growth. Several examples of this would be the Rosh Chodesh activities based on a yearly theme, color war, drama/music and dance productions, Melave Malkas, and gardening. Junior high students are encouraged to initiate and organize school programs promoting feelings of responsibility, spirit, togetherness and school pride while building their self-esteem. These programs include “big sister/ little sister” mentoring, school committees such as Tehillim, Tzedaka, library, school newspaper committees, activities and dance coordinators.
Varied school trips throughout the year give students an opportunity to bond further with peers and teachers in a relaxed environment while deepening their appreciation for the beauty of Eretz Yisrael.
The School Library was built through the efforts of dedicated parents and students. It is open four days a week during recess in addition to being incorporated into the language curriculum during school hours. The library is a quiet oasis in the middle of our busy campus and the students are encouraged to read and enjoy books on all levels-enriching their language skills and their horizons.
There are several special education teachers on staff who work under the guidance of a supervisor to address the needs of the child who is challenged. An individualized program is designed for each student and a schedule is tailor made to insure that she is only pulled out of classes that she will not be held responsible for. The main teachers and the special ed. teachers are constantly in touch with each other in order to obtain maximum benefit from the program. In many cases, the fee for this service is partially subsidized.
Our experienced guidance counselor, Mrs. Michal Lehman, works closely with teachers and administration to identify needs and build positive communication with the students. She is directly available for the junior high students and for parents.
Services for Olim
Bais Yaakov Magen Avos offers extensive programs to help new immigrant Olim integrate and acclimate to their new home, language and culture.
■ The Ulpan program is run with warmth and sensitivity. It provides guidance and advice not only to our students, but also to their families. Olim students are taken out of designated classes throughout the week to work on language skills individually and in small groups. This service is free of charge.
■ Magen Avos partners with the Hakshiva Organization to provide tutors in the school, during school hours, who will work individually with the new Olim students on keeping up with school work assignments and tests. The tutor is in constant touch with the teachers to keep a pulse on the student’s needs. There is a monthly fee for this service.
■ In the unique Buddy Program, students and mothers are paired with previous Olim who provide friendship, support and a listening ear to the new Olim.
The school is accredited by the Israeli Board of Education and under its constant supervision. The teachers are Bais Yaakov graduates and the derech of the school is of the American Yeshivish Hashkafa.