Raising children in Eretz Yisroel is the greatest privilege… And sometimes, the greatest challenge.
What if we could relish all the joys – and get the support we need to navigate the challenges successfully?
Because when the time comes to marry off our children, the challenges can go way beyond missing American cream cheese (or even American customer service.)
We can actually feel completely lost.
How much to offer? How to possibly swing a Dira? Which Shadchanim to reach out to? How to differentiate between the myriad Yeshivos and high schools? How to navigate the technical details of an Israeli wedding?
It’s hard to suddenly feel like an immigrant after living here for so long.
Welcome to Likras Kallah.
Now, you can leave the overwhelm behind.
Our mission is simple yet profound:
Providing education, resources, and support for Anglos navigating Shidduchim and marrying off children in Israel– while preventing crisis and major economic burden.