Raising children in Eretz Yisroel is the greatest privilege… And sometimes, the greatest challenge.

What if we could relish all the joys – and get the support we need to navigate the challenges successfully?

Because when the time comes to marry off our children, the challenges can go way beyond missing American cream cheese (or even American customer service.)

We can actually feel completely lost.

How much to offer? How to possibly swing a Dira? Which Shadchanim to reach out to? How to differentiate between the myriad Yeshivos and high schools? How to navigate the technical details of an Israeli wedding?

It’s hard to suddenly feel like an immigrant after living here for so long.

Finally, an opportunity to gain Chizuk, learn practical tips and get valuable advice on a topic that has left many completely stressed, frustrated and very far from feeling joyful.

  • Is financial ruin and mountains of debt the only way to marry off our children?
  • How do we maintain our Bitachon despite all the stress?
  • What’s my role in the shidduch process and the various stages involved?
  • How do I navigate this complex time with grace?


6:30 - Dine and Mingle

Connect with like-minded Anglos over a
scrumptious Milchig Dinner


A boost of Chizuk in Bitachon that will ease your stress

with Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish


Think Ahead: Practical guidance about the finances of
marrying off a child in Israel 

with Financial Coach  Rivka Lebowitz


Know what your role is as a parent and how to meet your
child s needs 

with Shadchan Coach Merissa Gross


Exciting presentation to help you find solutions
and ease the frustration and stress

M.C. Mrs. Shaindy Babad


Kol Chattan - All the technical arrangements for a chattan during the engagement period

Kol Kallah- All the technical arrangements for a kallah during the engagement period

Kol Mitzhalot - Technical Tips and Advice for Parents of the Chattan and Kallah

Wedding planning Excel Workbook


A boost of Chizuk in Bitachon that will ease your stress

with Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish

Think Ahead: Practical guidance about the finances of
marrying off a child in Israel 

with Financial Coach  Rivka Lebowitz

Know what your role is as a parent and how to meet your
child s needs 

with Shadchan Coach Merissa Gross

Ramada Hotel
Zeev Vilnai 6,Jerusalem

January 3, 2023  |  מוצאי י’ טבת תשפ”ג